Monument to a Mouse

Kenny Hunter, 2014
  • Read along

    This sculpture is an editioned model of an original bronze sculpture, located at the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum in Ayrshire, Scotland, being a human sized mouse, it creates a direct physical comparison to the viewer and therefore articulates the central idea contained within one of the Poet’s most famous works ‘To a mouse’.

    “Still thou art blest, compared wi’ me, the present only toucheth thee:”

    The man measures himself against the lot of the little creature and is unconvinced life has dealt him the best hand. ‘To a Mouse” is often wrongly perceived as a quaint and charming poem, yet I believe it has a serious and dark side too. One that expresses the frailty of human existence and I wanted to articulate that as well. While the model does not have the direct human scale of the Public Artwork, it is on a monumental scale compared to a real mouse and so still manages to elevate the status of this often overlooked creature.

    Kenny Hunter, 2022
  • Location
Kenny Hunter, Monument to a Mouse, 2014